Category Archives: palms

Bare palm trunks and other verticals

Lots of people have reservations about use of palms in their gardens, saying that “all the action happens at the top” and the bare trunks are an eyesore.

One solution is bromeliads.

In your next garden makeover, consider training a massed groundcover of bromeliads up that lonely palm trunk. It’ll be a beautiful eye-catching feature of your garden.

20151217_092234Cooroy Botanical Gardens, Queensland


Another alternative for bare vertical elements in your garden is Sweet Peas. Often grown on a trellis or fence, consider fastening some chicken mesh to a post or pillar (in a sunny spot) and growing Sweet Peas up it. They are gorgeous.

20150912_141649Sweet Peas being training up a light pole from a street verge community garden in Bellevue Hill, Sydney